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Montessori Entrance

Welcome to JPS Montessori!

The Montessori offers Y5 – 5th grade classes that are newly renovated with safe and secure entryways and upgraded with 21st century learning furniture and technology tools. The Montessori allows students to learn at their own individual pace and according to their own choice of activities. Learning is an exciting process of discovery. At the JPS Montessori, children are grouped in mixed ages and abilities. Multi-age flexible grouping allows each child to find his/her own pace. This allows for constant  interaction,  problem solving,  child to child teaching and socialization. The children are challenged according to their ability and are never bored.

Contact Us

Bradley Jayne, Principal

Matt Johns, Administrative Assistant


Start Times

Start Time - 7:45am
Dismissal - 2:46pm
Half Day Dismissal - 10:55am

Montessori Office Hours on School Days - 7:15am - 3:30pm



Montessori Bus Routes

Breakfast/Lunch Menus

Montessori Logo

JPS Montessori Weekly Announcements

Week of September 1, 2024

Good Evening Montessori Families!

This is Mr. Jayne with your weekly update.

Our students are busy learning norms and expectations and showing PACEM Pride. PACEM Pride is recognized for being peaceful, accountable, courteous, empathetic and mindful. Students receive PACEM Pride tickets for demonstrating these characteristics in our building everyday. On Fridays, names are drawn from each grade to earn a prize. Thank you for talking about PACEM at home. The family/school partnership is crucial for your student’s education!

A reminder that our district has a very strict cell phone policy. We should never hear or see phones at school, as they are a distraction to the learning environment. If phones are discovered they will be sent to the office for parent pick up. There are phones in every classroom should you need to reach your student or their teacher. Simply dial 517-841-3870. Thank you for your support.

Parent pick ups and drop offs are going smoothly. As a reminder drop offs are in the front of the building on Bennett street, while pickups are on Hallett street in the back of the building. As a reminder, your student’s education is our top priority. Therefore, we do not start dismissal earlier than 2:46. Thank you for your understanding and agreement.

Our POMs parent group is sponsoring a school-wide fundraiser where students will be bringing home brochures and order forms for Otis Spunkenmier cookies, pizza, candies, and more! More info to come soon. We are also in need of parent volunteers to pop popcorn on Fridays. Please contact our parent liaison, Sonia Wicker at Our first popcorn of the school year will be this Friday, September 6th, and popcorn passes are $20 for the year. Our first PTO meeting of the year is this Wednesday, September 4th at 5:30pm to 6:15pm. Babysitting will be provided to all who attend. We hope to see you all there!

A reminder that there is no school on Monday, September 2nd in observance of Labor Day. There will also be a half day dismissal on Friday, September 13th at 10:55am for our teacher’s professional development.

That’s all for this week. Parents and guardians, thank you for everything that you do. Enjoy the rest of your evening! And, as always, Go, Vikings!!

Mr. Jayne โ— Principal

JPS Montessori Center

P: (517) 841-3870 โ— F: (517) 990-0370

Mont students working at desk
Mont student building a tower

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