Letter from Principal Jayne
Greetings Montessori Families!
If you are a returning family, welcome back! If you are joining us for the first time this year, welcome to our Montessori community! We are glad you are here, and we are looking forward to another wonderful school year!
Here at JPS Montessori, we are proud to offer students an educational environment that promotes individualized learning, respects working at your own pace, nurtures children’s innate desire to learn new things, and fosters a lifelong love of learning. Our academic curriculum aligns with Michigan state standards and benchmarks, with an additional emphasis on social-emotional learning and 21st century skills. We strongly believe in the Montessori principle of educating the whole child.
At the school, learning is a process of discovery that leads to self-discipline, concentration, and intrinsic motivation. In the classroom there is student interaction, problem solving, peer teaching, and socialization. Children are challenged according to their ability, and staff differentiate instruction to meet the needs of all students.
Our school is housed in the JPS Montessori Center, where we share the building with the Felician Children’s Center. The FCC offers before and after school childcare, childcare for children as young as two weeks, and three and four-year-old preschool programs. This allows our families with children of multiple ages to meet all of their childcare and schooling needs in one building, and allows children to experience the security of calling our school their home-away-from-home from infancy through fifth grade, an experience unmatched in most other school settings.
You will also find an exceptionally welcoming and inclusive climate and culture at the JPS Montessori School, where we teach students how to make PACEM (Latin for peace) in their environment. We promote the values of being Peaceful, Accountable, Courteous, Empathetic, and Mindful. We teach social and emotional skills as well as academics, and celebrate students demonstrating our core values.
At our school, we know that all stakeholders play a vital role in the education of our students, so our staff works diligently to foster positive relationships with our families as well as our students. Our school is a special place to be, and you can feel it as soon as you enter the building.
If you are interested in learning more, I encourage you to come visit our school, and to talk with me about what makes our school the unique and special place that it is. I look forward to talking with you about our program, and to answering any questions you may have.